The Bible
We believe the whole Bible, Old and New Testament to be the divinely inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe the Bible is centered about the Lord Jesus Christ in His person and work. “The New Testament is in the Old contained, and the Old Testament is in the New explained.” We also believe that all the Scripture is intended for our instruction for life and practice.
The Godhead
We believe that there is one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That these three are one God, having precisely the same nature and attributes.
Jesus Christ
We believe the whole Bible, Old and New Testament to be the divinely inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe the Bible is centered about the Lord Jesus Christ in His person and work. “The New Testament is in the Old contained, and the Old Testament is in the New explained.” We also believe that all the Scripture is intended for our instruction for life and practice.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, took up His dwelling in the world on the day of Pentecost according to the divine promise, restraining evil in the world (this will cease when Christ comes to receive His own at the completion of the church,) dwells in every believer, and by His baptism unites all to Christ in one body. The Holy Spirit is the One who empowers the believer to live a “Super-Natural Life,” living the Life of Christ in and through the believer. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is Biblically essential.
We believe that man was originally created in the image and after the likeness of God, and that when he (Adam) fell through disobedience, and, as a consequence of his sin, lost his spiritual life. At that moment he died spiritually and that Adam’s nature has been transmit to the entire human race of man, is a “child of wrath and without hope,” unable to change his lost condition, enslaved to the power of the devil. Jesus Christ who was born into the world of the Virgin is the exception and therefore mankind’s only hope of salvation and Life.
We believe that, owing to universal death through Adam’s sin, that man has no hope except in the substitute work of Christ. By Christ’s birth, death and resurrection man by faith is born again from above, receives a new nature, a new life implanted by the Holy Spirit and only those who born again are sons of God. Man cannot be saved by any means of himself or others except in Christ Jesus alone. No one comes unto the Father except by Christ.
Devil & Demons
We believe that Satan is a person who is aided by a host of evil spirit beings called demons. Satan’s aim is to steal, kill and destroy. Every believer is subject to spiritual warfare but the believer is “made more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.”